Friday, March 20, 2020

Transpiration Lab Write Up Essay Example

Transpiration Lab Write Up Essay Example Transpiration Lab Write Up Essay Transpiration Lab Write Up Essay Transpiration Lab Write Up Purpose/Question: How do environmental factors affect the transpiration process in plants? Research: Transpiration is the process by which moisture is carried through plants from roots to small pores on the underside of leaves, where it changes to vapor and is released to the atmosphere. Transpiration is essentially evaporation of water from plant leaves. It occurs chiefly at the leaves while their stomata are open for the passage of CO2 and O2 during photosynthesis. Transpiration is not simply a hazard of plant life. It is the engine that pulls water up from the roots to supply photosynthesis (1%-2% of the total), bring minerals from the roots for biosynthesis within the leaf, and cool the leaf. There are four different conditions that affect transpiration. They are wind, humidity, heat, and light. These four conditions may change rate of water loss through transpiration by either losing more water, or less. Plants have adapted to create the C4, and CAM pathway. In the both pathway the plant takes CO2 and stored. Since CO2 can be taken up and stored for later use in photosynthesis, the plant reduces water loss by having less stomata open during the day since most of its needed CO2 has already been taken up at night. With the abundance of CO2 stored, the plant can then use the stored CO2 for photosynthesis and reducing photorespiration by reducing or completely eliminating accidental O2 uptake. Materials: 1) 5 small plants 2) Fish tank 3) Water spray bottle 4) Water 5) Heat lamp 6) Fan 7) Regular lamp 8) Mass weighter ) Place to record weight Procedure: Place Lamp, Heat lamp, fan, and fish tank in different areas where they won’t affect the other. Spray the fish tank with water and to make a humid environment and keep spraying everyday to ensure the tank is wet. Water all of your plants. Weigh all the plants on the original day, Monday, and record the weight. Place a plant in every condition. With the extra plant, place it in an area without a specific condition to use as a control plan t. Do not water the plants the rest of the week. Every day, weigh the plants and record its water loss for every plant. At the end of the week, create a chart for the amount of water loss and compare with the control plant. Data Table: Days | Monday| Tuesday| Wednesday| Thursday| Friday| Windy| 108. 2mg| 101. 1mg| 94. 1mg| 89. 7mg| 81. 7mg| Humidity| 103. 8mg| 103. 4mg| 103. 4mg| 103. 4mg| 103. 1mg| Light| 118. 8mg| 112. 1mg| 105. 0mg| 98. 4mg| 92. 9mg| Heat| 104. 3mg| 95. 8mg| 86. 8mg| 78. 7mg| 70. 1mg| Control| 115. 3mg| 115. 3mg| 115. 3mg| 115. 3mg| 115. 3mg| Analysis: Conclusion: Environmental factors, such as heat, humidity, light and wind, affect the rate of transpiration by making the plant loose either more or less water. In conditions such as wind, when there is no breeze, the air surrounding a leaf becomes increasingly humid thus reducing the rate of transpiration. When a breeze is present, the humid air is carried away and replaced by drier air. The opposite of that is the humidity where the plant lost very little water. It lost very little water because its environment was wet, so the plant did not need to diffuse much water. In heat, the air was hot and dry, so the plant lost water because it’s surrounding needed water to cool it down. Plants transpire more rapidly at higher temperatures because water evaporates more rapidly as the temperature rises. At 30Â °C, a leaf may transpire three times as fast as it does at 20Â °C. Finally, light lost a steady amount of water because plants transpire more rapidly in the light than in the dark. This is largely because light stimulates the opening of the stomata (mechanism). Light also speeds up transpiration by warming the leaf. I expected these results because it makes sense and I researched before completing the experiment. Some avoidable errors that could have happened would be accidentally splashing water on a plant or putting the conditions too close together. Some unavoidable errors could be the weather outside. Even if the experiment is conducted inside, the hot summer air or cold winter air could drift in the room, affecting the plants transpiration rate. Some further investigations I would make are things such as whether the type of plant affects the rate, or if the type of heat lamp or fan will change the results as well.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Custom Component Development in Delphi

Custom Component Development in Delphi Components are essential elements of the Delphi environment. One of the most important features of Delphi is that we can use Delphi to create our own components. We can derive a new component from any existing component, but the following are the most common ways to create components: modifying existing controls, creating windowed controls, creating graphic controls, subclassing Windows controls and creating nonvisual components. Visual or not, with or without property editor, from name it. Developing Delphi components isnt a simple task, it involves quite a bit of knowledge of the VCL. However, developing custom components is not an impossible task; writing components is just pure programming. Articles, Papers, Tutorials What follows is a list of articles that deal with custom component development in Delphi. Accessing protected members of a componentMany Delphi components have useful properties and methods that are marked invisible (protected) to a Delphi developer. In this article, you will find the workaround to this problem - thus enabling you to access a DBGrids RowHeights property, for example.Creating Custom Delphi Components - Inside and OutThis tutorial will explain component writing to you, which should result in more code reuse. It will go over properties, events, and methods, and will also explain how to install components. The final part of this tutorial is about Object-Oriented design.Creating Custom Delphi Components, Part IThis first part demonstrates some of the best approaches to building components, and at the same time provides tips on deciding on the best base class to inherit from, using virtual declarations, the complexities of overriding, and so on.Creating Custom Delphi Components, Part IIQuite often it is necessary to write components that perform more advanced f unctions. These components often need to either reference other components, have custom property data formats, or have a property that owns a list of values rather than a single value. We will explore various examples covering these very subjects, starting with the most simple. Creating Custom Delphi Components, Part IIIThis article is the final part of a three part article on components. Part one covered the basic creating of components, part two covered how to write advanced properties, how to write custom streaming for those properties and sub-properties. This final part will cover property/component editors, how to write dedicated editors for your component/property, and how to write hidden components. More Resources First, if you want more, consider buying a book on Developing custom components.Second, why not try locating an existing (with source perhaps) component you are looking for.Third, when you are 100% sure there is no such question on custom component development you cant answer...there will be something that you dont know. Everything you have to do is to ask a question on the Delphi Programming Forum and wait for answers. Articles, papers, tutorialsHere is a list of articles that deal with custom component development in Delphi. VCL Component Messages [RTF]Component Messages (CM_) are generated only by the VCL and are not reflected Windows Messages (WM_), as one may assume. In spite of that Component Notifications (CN_) are reflected Windows Messages. The idea behind it is, that Windows often sends messages to a parent window of a control instead of the control itself. The VCL simply converts (reflects) these messages to Component Notifications and then sends it to the control, for which the message originally was meant. Delphi Component Building.In this article, read about every aspect of Delphi Component building. Design a TTicTacToe component and learn about: how to build our own components for Delphi, how to add properties, methods and custom events to them, how to wrap them around DLLs, how to install them, how to design a palette bitmap and write on-line help to support the component user. Building SuperComponents in Delphi [download]SuperComponents, also known as aggregate or compound components, are collections of existing sub-components and their relationships combined into a single component. The collections are typically arranged inside a container parent component that manages the visual layout of the sub-components.